Sunday, May 16, 2010

On zombie movies

I have had a good deal of time to sit around over the past nine months.  Often, while sitting, I find myself watching a zombie movie with my neighbors.  Here's an annotated list of what I've seen.

Night of the Living Dead  
Best to start with this one.  This 1968 black and white film is a must see in zombie movies.  NOTLD is responsible for creating the zombie that we know and love today. 

Fido - Speaking of loving zombies, Fido is set in the 1950s.  Radiation from space has been turning the recently deceased into zombies.  Rather than fighting zombies, a corporation known as Zomcon has developed technology that blocks the zombie's need for flesh thus turning them into docile servants helping out around the house and even playing a game of catch with the son whose dad is too busy.  Yeah, this movie was awesome.

Shaun of the Dead 
Also awesome, this movie exploits the comedic slowness of zombies.  Lots of dead zombies result.  (Dead?  Redead?  Not sure what you call a zombie that is killed).

This gem includes a set of rules to survive the zombie apocalypse and a cameo appearance by Bill Murray complete with the a Ghostbusters reenactment.  So good. 

Død Snø
A Norwegian film (with English subtitles) with Nazi zombies.  This film had promise (zombies, Nazis, many scenes depicting intestines being extracted from non-zombies, and chain saws), but I thought it was kind of a dumb.  My critique was dismissed based on the simple fact that this was a zombie movie, and by definition, kind of dumb.  Whatever - it ranks lowest on my list.  

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