Temperature: -11 degrees Fahrenheit
Wind: 70mph
Windchill: -50
Fun factor: 7
So we won't be having school tomorrow. But we did get some nice footage of the fun. I don't know if you can relate to 70mph wind, but it's something that everyone should experience. Standing still is impossible. We rode the ice for about one hundred yards and only stopped because the road turned and our boots don't glide over snow as well. The video really says a lot more than I possibly can.
I also was given the wonderful opportunity to bring our junior high robotics team to Anchorage. See, the thing is, right before break we won our district competition granting us free passage to the state competition. A mixed blessing. The other coach, Derek, and I spent four days on the road. This was quite an experience.
Approximately half of our team had never been to Anchorage. They'd never been on a jet. Never been to a city. Never been in hotel. Never been in a real high school (my definition of a real high school). Needless to say it was awesome. I can't even begin to tell you the wonders of chaperoning junior high students in the big city. Another thing you should experience. Escalators, Walmart, swimming pools, buffets, helium balloons, full size gyms giving my team vertigo, traffic (not my definition - it was actually a stoplight), massage chairs, free refills, seatbelts, a Zamboni, 3-D movies...the list could go on, but all of these things brings back such memories.
And the competition. It took a backseat to everything else, but our students did very respectably. In the four judging categories (programming, teamwork, project presentation, and course score) our team took back a second place trophy in programming. Not bad. Not bad at all.
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A little last minute programming |
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Competition |
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Winning district competition |
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Anchorage - State Competition |