Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Univsersal Truth

If you grow it, children will love it.  I'd first realized this truth when working summers with the YMCA.  I would bring in vegetables from my garden - zucchini, carrots, peppers, peas, and lettuce - and students would line up to demand more.  They would devour lettuce - no dressing, no toppings, just straight lettuce.  It would make me laugh every time.

And not it just happened here in Tununak.  Three ten-ish year old boys were yelling from outside my window (a common activity when the everyone in the community is essentially neighbors).  I plucked a few leaves from my kitchen table (the site of my lettuce growing hydroponics set-up) and offered each a leaf.  All three ate their lettuce - and liked it.  This from a group of students are even more averse to vegetables as children I know in the lower 48.

The power of gardening is impressive.  It seems to make food taste better.

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